Brief introduction

James Blair is a man of many talents. Born and raised in Chicago, he developed a deep passion for music at an early age. As he grew older, he realized that he also had a talent for writing and decided to pursue a degree in English literature at the University of Chicago.

After graduating, James began working as a freelance writer, covering a wide range of topics. In 2018, James was offered the position of Editor at AudFree Software, a leading software company that specializes in developing audio solutions.

Since joining AudFree Software, James has been instrumental in developing new audio solutions that have helped many people around the world. He has also continued to write about music converters and other related topics, sharing his knowledge and expertise with others in the industry. As a talented writer and music enthusiast, his passion for music and his expertise in writing have helped him to excel in his career.


James Blair is specialized in audio topics which include Apple Music, Audible audiobooks, and iTunes songs. Its expertise in the field of digital audio media is unrivalled, with a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. It is familiar with the audio formats and parameters of different music platforms and is able to customize media files to best suit your needs.


In his personal life, James is an avid music lover and audiophile. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends, exploring new music and audio experiences, and staying up-to-date on the latest developments in technology and entertainment.